My parisian life

PHOTOS: A walk around the 10th Arrondissement of Paris

paris 2015 black and white




Like many big cities, in Paris you can often feel like you’re being swallowed up – and having to take solace in your own way to protect your spirit from the harshness of the hustle and bustle.

Normally, I often wander around Paris on foot or on my bicycle when I have to get to meetings (which is often) and because I’m geographically challenged, I get lost (a lot!). Hey, thank goodness these days for my iPhone GPS.

Another way I get around is with Uber – but I won’t even start that discussion as they’re in big ‘caca’ here with the Taxi drivers (strikes and harassment)…and now there is no more Uber-Pop, but the other service apparently still works (the black cars).

Anyways, the point I wanted to make was the good thing about getting lost in Paris is that it forces you to slow down – to take in some things that are there everyday – but we (I) take more or less for granted; the architecture that just leaves you in awe from the intricacy, and the sight of couples kissing or an old man going back home from the bakery with his baguette happy. ?Everyday life, The little things, qoui.

Wishing you lots of moments where you can slow down too – maybe on your next trip to Paris!

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