My parisian life

LIVE: Paris Life and Questions on Periscope

Guys I’ve been writing a lot about places to eat and drink in Paris for a while now, but I also like to get to deeper topics like, you know “real life” in Paris.

life in Paris on Periscope

Paris is so much more than the pretty photos I shoot for our Instagram ?- it’s so much more complex than that, plus I’ve been listening to all your comments and emails, but I’m so sorry I can’t answer you all individually. So I’m testing out a virtual hangout conference, drop in or out whenever you like and you can follow from your smart phone with the application Periscope (available for both android and iPhone) or direct from your computer.

What a better way than to have an interactive?video chat on Periscope?

That time has come – Join me tomorrow Friday April 29th at 3pm Paris time.

This is especially?for all the folks who are moving here!

Come say hi, and with all your questions on life in Paris, I look forward to seeing you there!

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