My parisian life

Paris Plages – Going on Now


Enjoying the sand at Paris Plage under the Pont

You still have some time to bask in some seine, sun and sand at Paris Plage before it all comes to an end on August 21st.

The annual four week event takes place from July 21 until August 21 at three locations:

1) The Georges Pompidou Expressway (in central Paris)
2) The La Villette Basin (Paris 19th district)
3) The square in front of the H?tel de Ville (Paris 4th district)

It’s great, free family fun that’s Open from 8 Am to midnight. with tons of activities easily accessible to by either walking or public transportation.

Find more information in english about Paris plage here and in french here

Voie Georges Pompidou
M?tro : Louvre-Rivoli (1), Pont-Neuf (7), Ch?telet (1, 4, 7, 11, 14), H?tel-de-Ville ( 1, 11), Saint-Paul (1), Pont-Marie and Sully-Morland (7)

Bassin de la Villette
M?tro : Jaur?s (2, 5, 7 bis), Crim?e (7), Laumi?re
Bus : 54 and 48.


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