10 years in Paris + 10 things I’m thankful for
I’ve been amazingly blessed to live in such a magical city, surrounded by so much beauty, love and living in my full purpose as a creative, fun and stylish mom.
It’s not been an easy personal journey – but it certainly has been quite interesting having?moved from New York, learnt French, gave birth and carried on being a little soul rebel adopted by the Parigos 🙂
Over the years I’ve been quite timid about what to share about my personal life – and I though this 10 year milestone is a perfect chance to open the door a little wider on who is Yanique, after all, I’m a little bit like you and a little bit not, we’re all connected in this journey of life right?
I’d want people to remember that I’m a lover of people, stories and life!

by Lorraine Creaser
So here’s my top 10 gratitude list that Paris has influenced
- My Son ?- was born here in 2007, so obviously?the jewel of my life?
- My friends – I’ve met so many wonderful people here, taken so many photos of my friends on my personal instagram, and even spoken on how hard it is to make friends in Paris, and feelings when your A1 pal leaves paris. So i’m thankful for all the love memories and future stories of the people who love you thick and thin through your?job rants, hairstyle changes and financial woes…hahaha
Youssef at Fragments by Louise @louloulechat
- An obsession for good food – I think when I lived in New York I worked so much and was so young – I NEVER ever cooked ( I know how to I just never did!) now I’m obsessed with going to the market, buying healthy and cooking as well as eating out (hence the massive amount of restaurant articles on the blog yo!)
- You guys?and my weddings couples – as a result of having my son here, making a new life, and just trying to share it all with my family so far away, I started the blog and shifted from a tech world job to a people serving job. ?This led me to meet you all – share more and connect more, so I am so grateful for your love and support as I remember when I was getting 30 people visiting the blog now you’re over 30,o00 per month. Now I plan over 10 weddings a year!
- Travel from Paris ?- I’ve travelled to so many countries and cities I’ve lost count ( no but really I need to do a recount, right!) We’ve moved around a lot since the birth of Pierre – even though people say you can’t?travel much with kids – we took him everywhere! And you can even see some of the trips here for Berlin, for Barcelona…more cities to come. It’s so convenient?to fly out from CDG.
- Slow life – I was raised to work hard and success meant something completely different for me now that I live in France. I’m no longer concerned about competition, keeping up with the jones, climbing the corporate ladder. ?Slow life for me is success ( I still work hard but smarter), good health,?free time for my passions and family. ?I can’t go a day without meditating and I’m not sure if Paris is to thank for this – maybe I’d be more mindful anywhere, but I’d say that having experienced my hardest year in Paris last year took me so much inward to my softest spot of my soul that I’ll never be the same, and forever full of gratitude for life.
- Thrift shops – So I kind of have a little (BIG…hahaha) problem with vintage shopping – and Paris has done it’s best to keep my addiction in check! So much so that I literally had a year of decluttering and cutting back last year because well…I needed to. But I will always be a style lover and so excited to share more on here and Instagram.
- Cosy Apart – Listen, I cant even begin to tell you all the love I feel from this cosy spot in the 18th neighborhood. We are so happy here! Apartments are hard to find in Paris and I have to thank heavens for this beauty.
- A rich love life – Ok..should I go there? hahahaha, well why not? I’m surrounded by so much love.
- My bicycle – his name is Pony and it’s my best bud to get around Paris

by louloulechat
What else do you want to know?
Send me some questions, I’m trying to do a weekly (possibly monthly Q+A series)
by Lorraine Creaser
Also remember you can sign up for my penpal list by emailing [email protected]
Dominique Ferguson
Thank you for sharing!
I think you are lovely and inspiring. I hope to meet you someday through mutual acquaintances – Bisou