My parisian life

Mothers day 50% of the time

1 out of 2 ain’t bad statistically, right? Well, that’s about the amount of Mothers days in Paris, I see my son. You see I have shared custody with his dad and I see him 1/2 of the time. So that also means that some special occasions like Mothers day are not always guaranteed “us time”, depending on the year.

If you don’t know me personally you’d never know that’s the situation, as my son and I are super close and I shy away from talking about anything that’s “too touchy” where he’s involved.

However, this year I decided that I was going to celebrate being his mom, without him, because I am ALWAYS grateful to be his maman.

I could feel myself getting a bit teary-eyed when I went down to the bakery for the daily baguette and saw all these people with floral bouquets. I almost forgot it was the French Fete des Mere aka Mothers Day if it wasn’t for my 6th person walking towards me in a one-block-radius, I knew something was up.

Ah bah oui! People are bringing flowers to their moms or wives or…another important mother figure.

Anyways I took this as an opportunity to treat myself. So I spoke to my son on the phone and then took myself out to a wonderful lunch to Chez Julien. While there I was inspired my their paper table cloth to just write – and this gave me the idea to share a few “Mothers Day worthy” spots in Paris to visit with your mom, as a mom, or just hop in to treat a mom-figure in your life.

Chez Julien 

I went here and to be honest, I must have passed this place for at least twice a week for the last 11 years! No Kidding! But somehow I was keeping it on the list of “special places” …
So today that day came and I parked my bicycle Pony outside and walked up to the first waiter and said ” Bonjour, may I have a table for one?”

The history of Chez Julien is about reasonable quality French food in a stunning art deco setting. Tomato Shrimp on a bed of white rice; 12 euros. 2 glasses of white wine: 2,20 euros each and a Riz au Lait for dessert (around 3 euros, can’t remember I was a bit tipsy after the second glass of wine!) Funny thing I also saw other moms from the neighborhood there! Taking selfies with their children, or having lunch with their Moms. Ah the cycle of life!

If you’re reading this in the next 24 hours you can see lots of stunning photos of the interiors on my Paris insta-stories HERE 

Maison Blanche

I love to eat at the Maison Blanche on special occasions. I feel super spoiled to have this amazing view of the Eiffel Tower and this quality of food for also a reasonable price (under 50 euros for lunch)

Dinner in Paris: With a view of the Eiffel Tower, La Maison Blanche

Peonies CoffeeShop

Is a cool place to take your mom as you can “kill” two birds with one stone: buy her lunch and flowers at the same time.

my review

Ritz Paris

For the uber-chic – take your mom for brunch or tea time at one of the Parisian luxury hotel restaurants. Around 150 euros person, and as the weather is so nice you can wander in their garden for a bit to take some photos too!

read more here

The Restuarant inside Musee d’Orsay

if your mom loves Art, treat her to an afternoon at one of the most beautiful museums in Paris then stop into the equally beautiful restaurant for a mothers day lunch that has a fixed price of around 25 euros

read my review here

Dinner in Paris – Museum d’Orsay Fine Dinning

Hotel Amour

Has a cool indoor garden type setting. and is super close to Musee de la Vie Romantic (they have a garden cafe there too) and just regular pretty streets you could both wander around in Pigalle.

read my review here

Brunch at Hotel Amour Paris

Are any of you guys parenting as well?


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