Featured: METRO News, Best travel Secrets from locals.
I know you are still dreaming of Paris and all the wonderful things you’ll be able to do when the lockdown is over and Coronavirus is behind us. If you also love authentic experiences and a local take on Paris then you’ll love this piece from Metro News where I’m interviewed on one of my best kept secrets!
Man, it was a hard one to give up – because I love the quirkiness of this place so much and it holds so much history and #feelgoodparis vibes. But caring is sharing, right? hahaha
An added bonus is this has all the major bloggers from other European countries are in the article too! So perfect to get inspired to see other cities when on this side of the pond.
Many thanks to Laura Millar for interviewing me.
Be safe and see you all very soon!
Great Blog I really enjoy your recommendations.I love sidewalk cafes in Paris! I love to sip wine and people watch. I was wondering Younique how do you think the Covit-19 Virus will affect this beautiful pastime in Paris ? What are you favorite restaurants to get take out ? Have you seen more cafes beginning to serve take out ? Be safe and I will you health.