An English Speaking Doctor in Paris
Ok. So God forbid you should you be visiting Paris and fall sick! Or perhaps you already live in Paris and don’t like the Doctor you presently have for any number of reasons; not limiting, lack of a strong French vocabulary or lack of patience in dealing with French doctors. Amongst others I’m sure…
I have a great English speaking Doctor I’d like to share with you guys!
She’s Canadian and also speaks French. Located in the center of Paris, so quite easy to get to by taxi and/ or public transport.
Her name is Dr. Diane D’Ivernois Beaulieu
7 Rue du Bouloi, 75001, Paris
Les Halles (Line 4) Louvre / Rivoli (Line 1)
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+33153458600 (calling from outside France)
0153458600 (calling from inside France)
Monday to Fridays (9am – 5pm)
You must however first call the front desk to make an appointment ( sometimes the receptionist will be French and can usually manage a few words in English – so mention the doctor you’d like to see right away, and say something like “parlez vous anglais s’il vous pla?t?” -( Paarleh voou anglay sil voou play)
If she says “Oui” switch to English
If she says “non”
Say “Doctor D’Ivernois sil voou play?” – and keep repeating “anglais” she’ll get the gist…and transfer you directly to the doctor.
She’s a generalist but she can point you in the right direction should you need a more specific doctor.
You can find a doctor in paris , general practicien really profesionnal & serious