Moving to Paris 2016?
Guys, I’ve been thinking about creating a little space on the blog for people wanting to move to Paris next year – or any time in the future for that matter. ?As some of you may now I’ve been living in Paris now for almost 9 years. I love it and sometimes I hate it. There are lots that I’ve learnt and lots that I’d love to share. ?Paris is so rich with clashes and contrasts, it’s not just about pretty macarons from Laduree, but also about a messy kurdish sandwich from Rue Faubourg Saint Denis.
How I got here was somewhat unconventional from the stories of many folks who “always knew that I’d end up in Paris” but more so in the category of “I came here for love”.
Now with this being said – I’d like to try a new way to connect with you all. I’ve been having a hard time blogging (I’m a super slow typer …hahahaha) about everything I’ve like to share, so in the interest of having a bit more fun and saving writing time I want to do video via Periscope?every week.
You can leave your questions as comments below – and we’ll use them as starting topics…
Let’s see how it goes eh? 🙂 ?Keep in mind that I may not have the answers to everything but let’s see how we can build a community where you feel like you’re ready with enough information to move, survive, and shine bright with la joie de vivre.
If you’re living in Paris and would like to share with us please do so in the comments.
I will watch regardless but you may gain a wider audience with a YouTube channel. Just a thought. Looking forward it!
YasminThnx Yasmin – yes I was debating whether to use Youtube. Let’s see…:)
I think it’s a great idea. I think especially guides for how to get started. Right now I’m trying to move back and I have my visa and everything, but it’s impossible to find an apartment that’s not outside my budget. I have a couple links through friends but if you don’t live in Paris at the moment it can be very difficult.
So this aspect and other aspects about getting visas or jobs or starting studies could be very helpful.
Good luck! I lived in Paris for four years so I know that it’s not all about the pretty Ladurée macaroons, though I prefer Pierre Hermé ????! I think it will be very helpful.
LIVING IN PLAID – Personal Style Blog from Brussels
Hi there I just found your blog while doing some research as I am planning into moving to Paris this year. I visited only once for a couple of weeks 10 years ago and been in love with the idea of moving there ever since. If you had to name the top few things that you “hate” about Paris what would they be?? Merci 🙂
JunetHi Junet! Oh goodness Paris is a great city – but there are definitely some things I HATE 🙂 I think this would be great for a video post so let me prepare it and get back to you (via email with a date when I’ll post that) !
JunetHi Junet, my husband I are moving home after 6years in paris and have a great apartment set up, kitchen utensils, sofa etc etc which we are looking for a home for as we won’t be shipping them, Do you plan on renting furnished or unfurnished? Send me a note here if you’re sill planning a move as maybe we could connect
I love this – the headline was exactly what I wanted to see as I have recently thought now is the year to just bite the bullet and make a move, after thinking about it for 5 years and making numerous short trips since. I have limited French but I am a fast learner and would be studying there. I am aiming to save enough to cover rent for at least 6 months (In a small affordable place) however I would need to work to tide me over and would be willing to work in a crappy bar, but realistically do you think I could pick up hospitality work without much French to start? I have experience (and a great personality haha) 🙂
Also is it usual to flat share or in general do people sublet a studio?
AlexHi Alex! Good for you – it’s not easy to “bite the bullet”.
Yes many people share apartments – but you can also rent one on your own. Not sure where you’re coming from and rent prices there, but Paris is expensive. expec to pay around 800 Eu for 20 or 25 meters sq. You can get work – if you have a visa that says so for the hospitality jobs. Many people teach english too. hope that helps!
Tiller Family
Me and my family plan to move to Paris this summer from the United States. Thank you for your site and information. It is very helpful for me, my wife, and our two kids.
Tiller FamilyHello The Tiller Family! I am so happy that you found my site and don’t hesitate if you have any questions
Tiller Family
yaniqueThank you for your help and your great site. We are still looking for an apartment. And this is very difficult, of course. We need this very soon for our visa. We found a reasonably priced placed on rue Curial in the 17th. Two Parisians have warned us against going there. What are your thoughts on this area of the 19th with my family?
Tiller FamilyHi John,
I know the area quite well, living close to the 19th. TBH, It depends what are your expectations? Where are you coming from/ used to in a neighborhood and how long will you stay there. Are you a rather classic type of family (read Bougeous) or more down to earth people that love to mix with different cultures and people? Also it depends on the age of the kids and whether or not you want your kids to go to school there (or you’ll put them in private school?)….best is to email me myparisianlife (at) gmail .com for 30mins a skype consultation if you’d like!
Tiller Family
yaniqueThank you very much. We found another possible apartment in the 11th. I appreciate your input very much!
Tiller FamilyHi Tiller family, my husband I are moving home after 6years in paris and have a great apartment set up, kitchen utensils, sofa etc which has taken a few years to put together, which we are looking for a home for as we won’t be shipping them (we are in the 11th) Maybe if you are still looking to furnish you could let me know and we could connect
Emily Rodriguez
My sister is planning to move to Paris in July and I am very excited for her. It will be really interesting to go there and I will definitely visit her often there. 🙂 I am very happy to find your blog. I will definitely share it with her! 🙂
I understand you are a slow typer but do you already have a Youtube account I could check? 😀 I am already liking you on Facebook and following on Instagram and I hope to see some videos as well 🙂
You have encouraged me to move to Paris as well, I haven’t found a job yet, but are the salaries for software developers really that low in Paris? Could you confirm me the numbers I found on this website https://teleport.org/cities/paris/
Thanks in advance! 🙂
Josephhahaha. oh lordy! Yes I want to do more Paris videos. For now you can see a few short peices on our instagram @myparisianlife – not of me talking but of me moving around Paris.
It’s sort of another beast that I’m just now ready to tackle, the whole Youtube world seems to saturated. What are some topics you’d like me to cover as someone who’s pretty much all over the place here and been doing here for 9 years?
let me know !! please 🙂