Paris Bookclub Meeting #3 – Giovanni’s Room
Bonjour loves, how are you doing? Ça va?
I hope you and your family are well in this time of COVID, Black Lives Matter, and international fed-up Uprising?
Let us remember that we have much power within us for positive change; that no matter how small we are in fact vehicles of change. Afterall the whole human experience is one of change and evolution. I have chosen to focus the last few weeks on my own internal processing, healing and action – care that was deeply needed and unable to get from the outside world, especially while being emotionally triggered to topics that are just coming to light to the wider world of what it’s been like to be non-white. An existence that has been held to a standard that always makes one feel that we are living in a system that was never designed for us to be equally alive.
You have the power to make the world a more equal, humanitarian place (because I believe being anti-racist means you love all people and live life as such). In France too we experience racism, and I have also been sharing about the stories of Adama Traore on Instagram.
I spoke about my experience of being a black woman here in our last book club meeting that we dedicated to an intimate Q+A session.
Hence, I took time out of blogging (even though I was active on instagram and facebook) and have been vulnerable enough to even show more of my face and stories there.
My hope is to get back to a more regular posting as we move into the rest of summer here, all while sharing Paris through my lens. The love of food, people and places will always be here.
Here’s to more authentic connections, conversations and JOIE DE VIVRE
Lastly, you can join us on our BOOK CLUB that meets virtually every month on either two topics, personal development or French culture. This month we get to discover together Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin. A powerful coming of age book so beautifully written that you will want to re-read every page just for delight. We will meet – AUGUST 2nd 2020
Here is the link to learn more.
bisous and see you soon!
SHOP – Also if you want to gift yourself something from Paris – you can check out the new online shop
YOUTUBE – please subscribe to my youtube