Chez Yanique – Being Back…01/29/24

Bonjour my loves
I’m so happy to be back in Paris after a long loving trip to visit my family in Jamaica for the holidays. I’m happy you are here with me as I write from my dining table – I’m calling this little space at the table “Chez Yanique” hahaha.
It’s a cold Monday here and I’m listening to Ancient Being on YouTube in the background and drinking my Chicoree ( I picked up a big bottle in Lille – as it’s so easy to find more in the northern supermarkets here in France) My mother in Law always buys a bottle for me and so I took one of hers. I’ve cut back on drinking coffee at home.
As January wraps up, I notice that I’m very contemplative and slow – while most folks seem to have their year planned out, I’m always sort of starting my new year in February. It must be something with having so much going on in the Christmas holidays, New Year’s, then my birthday and just the energy is so fast for me that I just tap out until February. So needless to say I am so excited about February! I can just ride the wave of being me without overwhelm or fear… I’ve been away from social media for over a month. hahaha
How are you doing? Do you make resolutions and such?
If you are planning on coming to Paris – my tours are back, my consulting calls are back and I am back Cherie!
Looking for some activities I suggest? – See my activities PDF here
Have a great start to your week,
bisous Yanique (PS see you on Instagram!)