Chez Yanique – Petit éloge des cafés
Sometimes I go through periods where I do not read at all and then all of a sudden it is like I could open a library! In the last few months, I’ve been reading a book a week (roughly) and I have to say that I do this with Audible. It makes it easy and sometimes even listening to the book in the author’s voice gives such a special thrill and insight. Much like the Aaron Nevile Tell it like it is that I just finished.
I usually say a little prayer to the universe – asking it for help to choose my next book. I open my audible and point. hahaha… it may sound kookoo, but it works every single time. gifting me books I had no idea about but when I read them they are the “right on time” kind of books.
Since having donated hundreds of books when I switched apartments from Rue Leon to Rue Stephenson. I decided to declutter ( I even had an in-apartment type yard sale of my clothes, decor items, furniture, just a lot of stuff!)
bref… I got rid of a lot of books and bought a Kindle. I soon realized I missed the smell of the page when reading, and hated the Kindle but couldn’t convince myself to start buying physical books again. Parisian apartments are just so tiny and I never really have the space ( I mean it would be the battle of the shoes versus the books!) Except for the rare few books that bring me such delight to just look at, I stick to my Audible.

This week, during one of my wandering strolls into BHV Marais I found the cutest little green-covered book and hesitated getting it. Remember the storage conundrum? I left the book section on the 2nd floor and went towards the perfume section on the first (the reason I was there anyway – to get a bottle of Clinique Elixir perfume I had smelled on this lady while at the Orchid exhibition at the Museum of Natural History).

That was Monday by Wednesday walking along Rue St Honore, just in front of Place Colette where we find the famous Cafe Nemours I had regretted not getting it. So I at first went across the street into Librairie Delamain because I love the staff and the tiny digestible size of the store. Asked one of the booksellers to check if they had it, it was sold out but he asked if I wanted to “commander” one. I said “non merci”. Then made my way to Librairie Galignani which was just 10 minutes away in front of Tuillerie Gardens. A nice walk and I haven’t been in a while – so I’ll check there! and lo and behold they had one copy left! My heart.

I started reading it this morning on the metro and my oh my what a journey into the way cafes shape and accompany the life of the author Lea Wiazemsky. It rings so true to the similarities with my love of Paris, people, food, coffee, and cafe cultures. I am in love with this book!
When I moved to Paris I would take refuge in the cafe culture of simply doing nothing, meeting up with friends, or going out for “un diner en amoureux”. If cafes could talk! Of all the personalities that have made up my Parisian life, I’d have to say 80 percent of them have been in cafes/restaurants. Simply because we spend so much of our social time in cafes – for me it’s always been a second living room. often having a space so little to host big groups – we’d meet up at our local cafe.
The first friend I made when I left Etienne Marcel for Montmattre was Momo in La Chope du Chateau Rouge off my sublet on rue Ramey. The first lover I met for a drink after my separation was at La Chope. I still go back, It’s a special respect and love when you give updates on how tall your son is now and how is business going but also who sold an art painting or who left who ( a little neighborhood gossip never hurt anyone). hahaha. Cafes have been a warm bosom for me and so many.
I highly recommend this book – GET IT HERE – it’s in French maybe they will have the English version soon. but for now, you could try practicing your French 🙂
enjoy et bisous
Yanique (PS see you on Instagram!)
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