A French Theme Thanksgiving Dinner
THANKSGIVING RECIPES (French Version 2020)

I know you miss visiting France and maybe you wanted to add a cool spin to the traditional Thanksgiving dinner? here are my go-to people pleaser recipes (including vegetarian options)
– pomme sautee – sort of like sauteed potatoes
– confit canard – why not substitute a turkey for a duck confit?
– french onion soup – the famous french soup
– some vegetable sides
leeks in vinaigrette are one of my favorite and a staple on the traditional bistro menu like the one at Bouillon Pigalle
top it off with a super classic and simple Moelleux au Chocolat
Voila – a quick and sweet post – enjoy!
It was interesting to see what the French eat for Thanksgiving dinner. In Canada, we had our Thanksgiving in early October and I made ham. We usually have roasted turkey with mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, some kind of green veggie like Brussels sprouts, and maybe corn niblets plus green salad and gravy for the potatoes and turkey. For dessert, a pumpkin pie is traditional. These days there is a huge variation in what people eat as some from other lands keep eating what they would in their own cuisine and then of course vegans and pescatarians do not eat, dairy or birds for those that don’t have allergies or moral issues, I wish people would eat the traditional meal as it is part of the culture where they currently reside. I enjoy seeing what you have to share about Parisian culture.