[ Paris Anniversary Celebration promo!] Paris Tours + French Foodie Bag
Hello loves!
They say time flies when you’re having fun! But I’ll just say that its been 11 years since we’ve been hanging out on the blogosphere! Sharing snippets and tips to living the most authentic life in Paris.
Back then this was fueled by Blogspot and thriftshop outfits (seriously, that was my very first post back in June 2008 – about a very basic black skirt I bought at FreepStar in the Marais).
Oh Mon Dieu! 11 years!
May the internet gods continue to bless my soul. And I want to bless you all for coming along this journey with me.
I look on where I am with you all today with so much gratitude! I thank you and love you on here, on Facebook, Instagram, and youtube. I get to live, work and raise my family in one of the most amazingly beautiful cities in the world. Rich with history, architecture, and food.
ahhhh FRENCH FOOD. I actually do feel like I’m living (and sharing heaven on earth).
Minus french administration (that part is hell on earth). But hey, it’s like they say C’est la Vie! and nothing is “perfect” hahaha
I digress…
Anywhoooo, in the spirit of celebrations and because well I can’t gift you all a bottle of really nice bubbly like a Veuve Clicquot, I’ve decided to do better!

In my way…let’s celebrate!

There’s an anniversary promo package for those of you coming to Paris and wanting to either do one of my tours (110 euros) or order a French Foodie Bag (69 euros).
You can still order them separately…
…but Normally together it’s 180 euros = you get them combined for NOW 160 Euros
(20 euros OFF – buy before June 30)

The 1-on-1 TOUR:
The most popular ones are the Marais and Montmartre (more info here) or Buy separately 110 euros
(you can also book a couple or family tour, we only do groups of 5 or under)

The perfect Welcome to Paris bag is in its 3rd year. The best selection of French Foods and souvenirs to gift yourself on your trip here. We hand select and hand deliver in an eco-friendly tote bag (more info here in link) or Buy separately 69 euros